[Summer Intensive Japanese program details]

Dates: June 2 – June 27, 2025
Place: Hirosaki Gakuin University, Hirosaki, Aomori Japan
Program Flyer from 2025 is located here: (link to pdf file here_1MB )
Sample program schedule here: (link to pdf file here_73KB)
Program Application here: (Summer Intensive Japanese Application.doc_36KB )
【語学研修の記録】[Memories of the SIJ Program]
[Japanese Class]

[Having fun with Hirogaku students!]

[Hirosaki Park and Hirosaki Castle Tour]

[A Visit to the Kimono Center]

[Soba-making Experience]

[Climbing Mt. Iwaki]

[Practicing calligraphy]

Hirosaki Gakuin University Summer Intensive Japanese Program
Program Details:
The Summer Intensive Japanese (SIJ) Program provides students with an introduction to the Japanese language and culture through a one-month schedule of language classes and cultural field trips. Program participants attend language classes every morning with cultural classes, activities, and field trips held in the afternoons and evenings. The language classes are tailored to the level of the participants and Hirosaki Gakuin University students join the program participants in activities and classes to act as tutors and assistants.
Program Schedule:
The SIJ Program runs annually from late May to late June. Program participants stay in a hotel during the week and homestay with Japanese host families for two of the three weekends during the program. Every effort is made to accommodate participants’ special needs when matching them with host families. Weekdays, students attend Japanese language classes with student tutors in the morning, and then engage in cultural activities in the afternoons and on weekends. Some cultural activities include calligraphy, kite-making, Japanese film appreciation course, traditional dance, mountain climbing, and Japanese archery. Pictures of these activities can be found on the program flyer available for download at the top of this page. The schedule also allows plenty of time for participants to explore Hirosaki and the surrounding communities, or to hang out with Hirosaki Gakuin students. SIJ Program participants make friendships with HiroGaku students that last alifetime.
Language Requirements:
Program participants do not need Japanese language skills prior to arriving; however, those who have completed Japanese language classes in the past will be able to further solidify their language skills and become more fluent upon completion of our program.
How to apply:
Hirosaki Gakuin University currently has an exchange program agreement with the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse and some other UW system schools, which allows for the transfer of credits back to the student’s home university. Current policies allow for the transfer of up to 6 credits (4 Japanese language and 2 cultural studies) to be transferred to the home university. Credit assignment is done on a case-by-case basis.
Interested students should contact their university’s Study Abroad Programs office for assistance; or they can email the program coordinator, Prof. Edo Forsythe, at forsythe@hirogaku-u.ac.jp.